Mission Statement
Our goal is to design and develop effective cloud seeding programs that provide additional, responsible water sources for the environment, our families and future generations.
Our goal is to design and develop effective cloud seeding programs that provide additional, responsible water sources for the environment, our families and future generations.
A cloud seeding and WEATHER MODIFICATION Company
RHS Consulting is a privately owned cloud seeding and weather modification company based in the U.S. and located in Nevada. Since its founding in 1999, RHS Consulting has used its combined expertise to provide weather modification and cloud seeding services to serve their clients. RHS offers cloud seeding program design, operation, research and evaluation services for ground based seeding projects as well as air based seeding projects. As a full service weather modification company we are able to manufacture and provide cloud seeding equipment as well as provide a variety of cloud seeding program options to meet the specific needs of and objectives of cloud seeding projects.
Feasibility StudiesRESEARCH
RHS considers all aspects of a seeding program's design and components in feasibility studies. RHS will analyze if a weather modification program is technically feasible, economically justifiable and environmentally sound. |
RHS - A Nevada Weather Modification Company
RHS is familiar with all aspects of weather modification. We specialize in winter cloud seeding, project feasibility studies, environmental impact and program evaluation, program development, and cloud seeding operations using both ground and aircraft seeding methods. |
Whether it's using client specifications or starting with just an idea, RHS will design a cost-effective project tailored to a weather modification project's unique needs and desired outcomes. assessmentANALYSIS
In order to optimize and improve a seeding project RHS will critically examine all components of the program to ensure optimal results and to determine a project's overall effectiveness. |
RHS is Nevada's only private sector cloud seeding company, specializing in winter cloud seeding and weather modification operations and research. |